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Display Those Scout Patches and Awards!

E-mail T264
For Parents
Eagle Scouts
Triple Crown Award
Eagle 'On Track' Timeline
Don't Hide those Scout Patches and Awards!
National BSA Site
NCAC Council
White Oak District
Scout Shop

Most of the time, the patches and awards that scouts earn end up in a drawer or a box and are rarely looked at, except in passing. Here's a simple, low cost means to display those patches, while encouraging your Cub or Boy Scout to earn more.

Purchase a cork bulletin board and hang it in the scout's room. Let the scout use push-pins to attach items. Like so:

If the scout is active, a second might be needed:

And if the scout is really active, a third might be needed:

These boards make a ready-made display at a scout's Eagle Court of Honor.

It is possible too, to put a small paper note or sticker under each item giving the place and date earned. Place any stickers on the board, not on the item, so as not to damage the item with the sticker glue.

Give it a try!